Keep change in your pocket and contribute to environmental sustainability.
Give GeoScan a call to perform an Underground Oil Storage Tank (UST) locate. Servicing British Columbia for over 10 years.
USTs were commonly used to heat homes with oil from the early 20th century to the 1970s. Any house built during this time has a high probability of a UST existing on the property; this will require detection, potentially removal, and soil remediation if not professionally located.
UST locating with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) will prevent future large-scale remediation costs that are likely to incur if a UST goes undetected and leaks, and will also mitigate or prevent environmental hazards due to soil contamination.

Scanning for an Underground Oil Tank
GeoScan implements the use of GPR to scan the entirety of a property and either locate a UST anomaly or confirm there are no UST anomalies present on the property. GPR can image the subsurface to a depth of approximately 8 feet below ground surface. Typically, USTs are located within 5 to 10 feet of the house, and between 2 and 4 feet below ground. Raised decks, patios, and additions are a concern as they are sometimes built directly on top of USTs, unbeknownst to homeowners or buyers. To effectively use GPR, the ground needs to be cleared of debris and items, such as: lawnmowers, ladders, stacked wood, patio furniture, etc., and anything else that might obstruct the ground surface. GPR needs to be flush with the ground to provide accurate results.
Due to the nature of an oil tank locating job, additional information regarding your property is required.
For information on frequently asked questions head here.
For pricing guidance on Underground Oil and Storage Tanks on Mainland and Vancouver Island click here.