GeoScan recently completed a subsurface utility investigation and survey of one of Canada's fastest growing universities.
British Columbia
Subsurface Utility Engineering

The university is rapidly expanding and has big plans for the future. With an eye on retaining and enhancing the beautiful natural and wooded areas of the campus, the university has plans for additional buildings, improved walkability, upgraded transit access, and smoother traffic flow throughout the grounds. As part of this goal, GeoScan had been tasked with locating and surveying all buried utilities to help formulate a sustainable plan for the future.

Over several days, GeoScan’s expert locate technicians used Electromagnetic locating and Ground Penetrating Radar to locate and then paint the locations and depths of the utilities. Manhole lids were lifted and sewer lines were duct rodded to accurately locate storm and sanitary lines. Our skilled survey team then used GPS and total stations to reference the locations and depths of the utilities.

Despite excessive heat, an untimely snow storm, and even a couple visits from resident bears, our team was able to deliver a first-rate report on time and on budget. With an accurate map of the campus’ underground infrastructure, the development team at the University now knows the location of all existing utilities. This will aid in strategic planning for future construction projects and help avoid any conflicts and safety concerns.